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ReliableSite Offers Clustered Hosting
Fri, 10 Oct 2008 00:00:00 EST
October 10, 2008 -- ( <> WEB HOST INDUSTRY REVIEW) -- Web hosting provider ReliableSite announced on Friday it has introduced Semi-Dedicated Clustered hosting.
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Managed Hosting and Colocation in 2009 and Beyond
Tue, 16 Sep 2008 13:48:00 -0400
From the Hosting Summit - Dan Golding packed a lot of future in this presentation. However the one point most people keyed on was the growth of the Data Center and managed hosting industry.
Get this there is a 15% growth demand, and we are talking worldwide, but there is only a 5% supply ramp-up and this is probably through 2012
I think some clarification is in order. This become a real-estate capital tanking problem, yes some explanation.
First 15% demand. This year, next year and several years forward we need 15% more servers, or sq./ft, or power capacity (he thinks this is a trend) than we did last year. Compounding makes this interesting.
Supply ramp up 5%. That means we are building only 5% of our needs be it servers, sq/ft or power capacity.
As we are falling short in some ways – there is a tremendous upside for growth.
Real-estate Capital tanking – You may have noticed the Lehman Bros largest bankruptcy in the US history. Bankers are strange, now all real estate is bad.
Google screwed it up. They build that 500k-sq/ft data center here and there bankers think there is an oversupply.
Obviously someone needs to increase the supply – how about you?
Bottom line – good times could be ahead if you can convince the banker.
Side note: This is just a small snippet of the presentation.
SEO: Webmaster Guidelines From Mr. Google
Sun, 09 Mar 2008 04:11:57 +0000
Sebelum membangun website, ada baiknya membaca guidline dari Google supaya website anda Google Friendly.
CommentMarch 21, 2008, Yard Host » Blog Archive » SEO: Webmaster Guidelines From Mr. Google write: ...] Layong Lim wrote an interesting post today onHere’s a quick excerptSebelum membangun website, ada baiknya membaca guidline dari Google supaya website anda Google Friendly. ...]
CSS Validator
Sun, 09 Mar 2008 03:49:00 +0000
Check Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and (X)HTML documents with style sheets:
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